The extension module for roundness measurements - Complete the product range with precision
The extension module for roundness measurements.
Your measuring programme can be perfectly rounded up with our software optacom round and our rotary-swivel table. In this combination, it is possible to evaluate and measure contour, roughness and roundness simultaneously (if roughness module optacom rough is installed).
Easy, fast, and comfortable measurements based on a high-precision, program-based operation.
LSCI: Least Square Circle Regression circle such that the sum of the squares of the local roundness deviations is a minimum/td> |
LSCY: Least Square Cylinder Regression cylinder such that the sum of the squares of the local roundness deviations is a minimum |
MCCI: Minimum Circumscribed Circle Smallest circle circumscribing the roundness profile |
MCCY: Minimum Circumscribed Cylinder Zylinder mit kleinstmöglichem Cylinder with the smallest possible diameter encompassing the measured cylinder surface |
MZCI: Minimum Zone Circle Two concentric circles enclosing the roundness profile and having the least radial separation |
MZCY: Minimum Zone Cylinder Two concentric cylinder enclosing the roundness profile and having the least radial separation |
MICI: Maximum Inscribed Circle Largest inscribed circle in the roundness profile |
MICY: Cylinder with the largest possible diameter inscribed in the measured cylinder surface |
Filtering method for roundness evaluation
Filter definition according to DIN EN ISO 11562: Cut-off numbers: 15, 50, 150, 500, 1500 W/U, arbitrary